Delete Your Account

To Delete your account, you can follow one of two options. Option 1, delete your account in the application. Option 2, contact us to request your account is deleted.

1. Via the application

When you use the application, your account must go through a dactication period of 30 days. For thirty days, your account will remain deactived while you decide if you are sure you want it deleted. At the end of thirty days, with no action from you, we will delete your account and all of your user data as well.

  1. Sign into the application
  2. Navigate to your account via the bottom navigation bar.
  3. Click the account settings button in the top right corner.
  4. Finally click deactivate account and your account will be removed in 30 days. You can always log back in to keep your account alive if you change your mind.

2. Via contacting us

When you request your account is deleted, our team will work as fast as they can to remove your account and all user data associated with the account. Typically a request can take between 24 and 48 hours to be received. Once your request is completed, we will send you a confirmation email that your account has been delete. Please ensure to provide us with basic information like your phone number and email.